The North Pacific Fishery Management Council will next discuss chum salmon bycatch at a special meeting in February 2025. Here is what you need to know to engage.
After the next 36 hour fishing opportunity, YDNWR and KRITFC will rescind all previous fishing restrictions announced for 2024, returning management of the River to the State of Alaska and ADF&G.
The Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (YDNWR) In-Season Manager, hereby announces two gillnet and one rod and reel fishing opportunity for federally qualified subsistence users.
The Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (YDNWR) Manager, as In-Season Manager, announces a gillnet fishing opportunity for Federally qualified subsistence users.
The Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (YDNWR) Manager, as In-Season Manager, hereby announces five gillnet fishing opportunities for Federally qualified subsistence users.
Federal management and closures in the lower river lifted today, but State closures remain in place until July 31 with fishing opportunities this weekend.
As of July 4, 2021, after days of work by crew members, the Takotna River weir has been watertight and ready for the season. So far, the crew hasn't counted any fish passage.
The Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge in consultation with KRITFC In-Season Managers is announcing more subsistence harvest opportunities for Federally qualified subsistence users on the Federal waters of the Kuskokwim main stem.
Regardless of ADF&G’s Fishery Announcement #7, IT IS ILLEGAL to fish on the mainstem Kuskokwim using gillnet gear on June 28. Federal law enforcement is on the river, and you may be at risk of citation if you fish on June 28.
Based on recent data showing low numbers of king and chum salmon, there will be no subsistence harvest opportunity using gillnet gear announced this week for federal waters of the Kuskokwim.
This is an announcement (Emergency Order #3-S-WR-06-21) from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in Bethel for subsistence fishermen in the Kuskokwim Area regarding the Kalskag Line and subsistence permits in Section 4.
Emergency Special Action 3-KS-02-21 provides two distinct opportunities for federally qualified subsistence users to catch and retain salmon using gill nets on Saturday, June 19, 2021.