KRITFC In-Season Managers
KRITFC has five In-Season Managers who represent communities throughout the entire Kuskokwim River drainage. KRITFC originally began with only three In-Season Managers; however, the population size of the Bethel vicinity led to the addition of a fourth In-Season Manager from Bethel in 2018. In 2022, KRITFC passed a resolution designating a fifth In-Season Manager position who represents upriver and headwaters fishermen. Together with Federal and State managers, they make important in-season decisions about fishing opportunities and closures.
As lifelong residents, stewards, and fishers of the Kuskokwim River, and with their various ages and home villages throughout the watershed, our In-Season Managers bring a wealth of Indigenous Knowledge to our fisheries management process with Yukon Delta NWR. Indigenous Knowledge means having a detailed and deep understanding of an ecosystem and using that understanding to help you make informed decisions about where and when to use that ecosystem’s resources.
While there is a role for both western science and Indigenous Knowledge in co-management, Indigenous Knowledge fills informational gaps that can otherwise cripple in-season management decisions. KRITFC In-Season Managers rely on both Indigenous Knowledge and sound salmon science to inform them during in-season management discussions.
“People say that’s a big responsibility, but to me, it’s like helping. I don’t mind helping other people. When one person can’t lift something heavy, they need help, so we need to work together.”
2024 In-Season Managers:
betty magnuson (mcgrath)
Upper River/Headwaters
Representing: Telida, Nikolai, Takotna, McGrath, Lime Village, Sleetmute, Stony River, Red Devil, Georgetown, and Crooked Creek.
In 2022, Betty was elected to be the first upriver/headwaters In-Season Manager. She was reelected in 2023 and 2024.
Alternate: Jonathan Samuelson (Georgetown)
megan leary (Napaimute)
Middle River
Representing: Napaimute, Chuathbaluk, Aniak, Upper Kalskag, and Lower Kalskag.
2024 is Megan’s sixth year as an In-Season Manager.
Alternate: Walter Morgan (Lower Kalskag)
Tundra / Coast
Representing: Atmautluak, Kasigluk, Nunapitchuk, Tuntutuliak, Eek, Quinhagak, Kongiganak, Kwigillingok, Kipnuk, and Chefornak.
Paul was first elected to serve as an In-Season Manager in 2022. He was reelected in 2023 and 2024.
Alternate: Noah Wise (Nunapitchuk)