Red Devil
Red Devil is part of Unit 2
KRITFC Commissioner(s)
**Red Devil is inactive and without an authorizing resolution. Its Fish Commissioners are non-voting members.
Rebecca Wilmarth
past Commissioners
commissioner spotlight
Rebecca describes her relationship with salmon: and the challenges of salmon management:
My relationship with salmon is that it—fishing—allows me to be connected to the land and water, and gives me a sense of self-reliance knowing that I have the tools to survive. It also allows me to teach those skills to my two little girls. They watch everything I do, and I am responsible for raising them to have respect for the land and water, and to be able to take care of themselves as they grow up.
So far the challenges I notice are upriver and downriver people having different ideas about what is best for the river. I hope to be a strong voice for my community and the upper river. My vision for KRITFC is that it has a direct and healthy relationship with the Department of Interior, and that its members make positive progress toward managing our fishery so that salmon thrive for generations to come.