Executive Council
The Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission’s Executive Council has 7 members as well as Elder Advisors, including:
One representative from each of the 7 designated river units
One Chair
One Vice Chair
One Secretary/Treasurer
2024 Executive Council
Betty Magnuson (McGrath)
Unit 1 Seat (2022-2024)
Alternate: Josh Nikolai (Telida)
The communities in Unit 1 are Telida, Nikolai, McGrath, and Takotna.
Betty is also an In-Season Manager.
JOnathan Samuelson (Georgetown)
chair (2023-2025)
unit 2 seat (2023-2025)
Alternate: Tim ZaukaR, in memoriam (Crooked creek)
The communities in Unit 2 are Lime Village, Stony River, Sleetmute, Red Devil, Georgetown, Crooked Creek.
Tracy Simeon (Chuathbaluk)
Unit 3 seat, alternate (2022-2024)
Alternate: Walter Morgan (Lower Kalskag)
The communities in Unit 3 are Napaimute, Chuathbaluk, Aniak, Upper Kalskag, and Lower Kalskag.
MIKE WILLiams sr. (akiak)
Vice-Chair (2023-2025)
unit 4 seat (2023-2025)
alternate: Martin Andrew (Kwethluk)
The communities in Unit 4 are Tuluksak, Akiak, Akiachak, and Kwethluk.
Mike is also an In-Season Manager.
unit 5 seat (2023-2024)
alternate: TBD (BETHEL)
Bethel is the only community in Unit 5.
Henry is also an In-Season Manager.
Ralph nelson (Napakiak)
unit 6 seat (2023-2025)
alternate: Noah Wise (Nunapitchuk)
The communities in Unit 6 are Oscarville, Napaskiak, Napakiak, Nunapitchuk, Atmautluak, and Kasigluk.
Paul Cleveland (Quinhagak)
Secretary/Treasurer (2024)
unit 7 seat (2022-2024)
alternate: Robert Enoch (Tuntutuliak)
The communities in Unit 7 are Tuntutuliak, Eek, Chefornak, Kipnuk, Kwigillingok, Kongiganak, and Quinhagak.
ROBERT LEKANDER, in memoriam (Bethel)
Elder Advisor
In-Season Manager (2015-2020)
Appointed as Elder Advisor in 2020
KRITFC’s Executive Council, staff and research consultants at a November 2018 meeting in Anchorage.
KRITFC Commissioners at the 2022 annual meeting.