How KRITFC is Governed
KRITFC is an inter-Tribal agency with 638 Tribal Compact Status that represents 33 federally recognized tribal governments interests in sustainable fisheries management on the Kuskokwim River. It consists of 33 Fish Commissioners, one from each authorizing Member Tribe. Each Fish Commissioner is a voting member of KRITFC and elects the Executive Council.
KRITFC Units 1-7
The seven-member Executive Council represents seven different geographic units in the 724-mile Kuskokwim River watershed. It is designed to fairly represent all portions of the river to ensure shared power and decision-making across the watershed. Like most large river systems, approximately 80 percent of fish harvests take place in the lower river sections, yet fish need to make it upriver to their spawning grounds. For this reason, it is important that KRITFC represents the upper, middle, and lower river sections equally and equitably.
The chairmanship revolves between the upper, middle and lower portions of the river every two years. KRITFC’s governance model of revolving chairmanship and different geographic units is unique. Our first (2015 and 2016) and current (2021 and 2022) Chair is Mike Williams, Sr. from Akiak. Our second Chair (2017 and 2018) was Nick Kameroff, Jr. from Aniak. Our third Chair (2019 and 2020) was Charlene Erik from Chefornak.
At the heart of our work are our Yup’ik and Athabascan values, wisdom from our Elders, and unity as one fishing people of the Kuskokwim. Our Executive Council, In-Season Managers, and staff do this work for the benefit of the 33 subsistence fishing communities along our river.
kritfc governing documents
The KRITFC Constitution and By-Laws are the governing rules for the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. The Constitution became effective on an interim basis pursuant at the August 30, 2017 KRITFC annual meeting. The Constitution will be fully ratified upon the receipt of resolutions from a majority of the Tribes in the Kuskokwim River watershed.
Preamble to the kritfc constitution
We, the Tribes of the Kuskokwim River and its tributaries, proclaim that our fisheries are essential to our cultural, nutritional, economic and spiritual well-being and our way of life. We recognize our responsibility and authority to exercise our inter-tribal treaty rights to act as stewards to our common traditional territories and resources. Since time immemorial, we have properly cared for the fishery resources of the Kuskokwim River Drainage. We commit to conserve, restore, and provide for tribal use of fisheries based on indigenous knowledge systems and scientific principles. Founded on tribal unity, and striving for consensus, we form the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fisheries Commission for the health and well-being of our tribal members, our future generations, and all Alaskans who rely upon the health of the fisheries.
Read the full text of the KRITFC Constitution.
guiding principles and values
We hold the values of:
Unity: Consensus driven discourse and decision making
Sharing in abundance and scarcity: With families, community members, and people in need
Respect for all life: Respect for fish, ecosystems, and users
Stewardship for our ancestors and our future generations: Honoring our spiritual connection and responsibilities to past and future generations
Notes from KRITFC’s 2018 Annual Meeting outlining some of the shared values and principles that guide commissioners in their decision-making process.