Lisa Hupp/USFWS.
The people of the Kuskokwim are made of fish. Our Fish Commissioners and In-Season Managers at KRITFC know this, and we want to fish to fill our smokehouses because we know how important it is that we practice our fishing ways of life and put food away for the winters.
However, we also know how important it is that our children’s grandchildren know what it’s like to drift along the river and pull in a net filled with king, chum, and sockeye salmon.
Right now, in-season data is showing that the 2021 king and chum salmon runs are slow, late, poor, or a combination of these. Other rivers in this region, like the Yukon and Nushagak, are experiencing similar low king returns.
KRITFC wants to rebuild our king salmon runs and monitor the chum salmon returns so our future generations can keep fishing. With USFWS at the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, we have decided to wait for more in-season information, including Traditional Knowledge and observations, before announcing any other federal fishing opportunities. We want to fish and are hopeful there will be another fishing opportunity, and we will meet as soon as we can to discuss this possibility.
Please check in with our Facebook page, Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge's Facebook page, our website, and KYUK for more federal fisheries announcements for the Kuskokwim. Quyana, Tsen’ahn, Thank you for keeping our salmon people strong.