
Kuskokwim Tribes Raised Voices for Chum Salmon Bycatch Protections at Latest North Pacific Fishery Management Council Meeting

Kuskokwim Tribes Raised Voices for Chum Salmon Bycatch Protections at Latest North Pacific Fishery Management Council Meeting

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council held a special chum salmon bycatch, primarily to review the preliminary draft Environmental Impact Statement (PDEIS or EIS) for new approaches to chum salmon bycatch management in the Bering Sea pollock trawl fishery, with a prioritization on reducing bycatch of Western Alaska chum salmon.

DOI/NOAA Tribal Consultation – October 5, 2022

DOI/NOAA Tribal Consultation – October 5, 2022

The Department of the Interior (DOI) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are hosting in-region and virtual Tribal Consultations in Bethel (October 5), Nome (October 6), and Fairbanks (October 7) to consult with Tribes and subsistence users on fisheries protections, restoration, and subsistence policy.