AYK Board of Fisheries Meeting: January 14–18, 2023

AYK Board of Fisheries Meeting: January 14–18, 2023

Photo by James Nicholai.

UPDATE ON JAN. 25, 2023: Here is the summary of BOF actions taken at this AYK meeting.

The Alaska Board of Fisheries (BOF) is holding its Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim meeting from January 14–18, 2023, beginning at 8:30 am each day at the Egan Center in Anchorage. The meeting will also be streamed online for view-only participants. This is a public meeting with opportunity for testimony in-person only beginning on Saturday, January 14, and continuing until all people signed up have been heard. The BOF intends to hear Kuskokwim proposals on Tuesday, January 17.

Here are links with important information for those wishing to attend in-person or virtually:

For more information, contact Boards Support at 907-465-4110.