KRITFC prepares for 2025 Annual Meeting
Photo: Amy Cook/KRITFC
In just over a month, from April 2-4, our staff and Commissioners and staff will gather in Anchorage for our 2025 Annual Meeting. This meeting is a yearly highlight in which we gather, river-wide, to share updates from our communities, hear reports from our staff and partners, and discuss how we can restore Kuskokwim salmon and our traditional ways of life in the coming year.
In addition, this year, we will be holding elections for:
Executive Council Units 2, 4, and 6
Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary officer positions on our Executive Council
2025 In-Season Managers
In celebration of our 10-year anniversary as KRITFC, we are inviting our Tribes to send an additional nonvoting representative to attend our meeting. Please reach out to Andrew Magel ( or 203-231-6558) for more information.