2022 Annual Meeting & Election Results
This week, our Commissioners gathered for our annual meeting in Anchorage and on Zoom. We began our annual meeting with introductions and updates from our communities. Everyone along the Kusko, from the mouth to the headwaters, is suffering with few kings and chums returning to our river. Reds were abundant last year, and they “saved the day,” as our Chair Mike Williams Sr. of Akiak said. Our people are worried about salmon bycatch. Many of us commented on the snow and thick ice this year, wondering what it will mean for breakup and the 2022 salmon season.
Our Commissioners also held elections with river-wide consensus. Nutan atam, Congratulations to our 2022 Executive Council, In-Season Managers, and Elder Advisors!
Unit 1: Betty Magnuson, McGrath
Unit 2: Jonathan Samuelson, Georgetown – Vice Chair
Unit 3: Gerald Kameroff, Kalskag
Unit 4: Mike Williams Sr., Akiak – Chair
Unit 5: Avery Hoffman, Bethel – Secretary
Unit 6: Ralph Nelson, Napakiak
Unit 7: Adolph Lupie, Tuntutuliak
Upriver/Headwaters: Betty Magnuson, McGrath*
Middle River: Megan Leary, Napaimute
Lower River: Mike Williams Sr., Akiak
Bethel/Lower River: Avery Hoffman, Bethel
Tundra/Coast: Paul Cleveland, Quinhagak
*Our Commissioners voted on and passed Resolution 22-01, which designates a fifth In-Season Manager representing upper Kuskokwim and headwaters fishermen. We welcome Betty Magnuson from McGrath as our first Upriver/Headwaters In-Season Manager!
Robert Lekander, Bethel
James Nicori, Kwethluk
KRITFC would like to thank our past elected Commissioners. Quyana, Tsen’ahn, Thank you to:
James Charles of Tuntutuliak for his service as an Elder Advisor.
James Nicori of Kwethluk for his service as an In-Season Manager.
Jacki Cleveland of Quinhagak for her service on the Executive Council, as Secretary, and as an In-Season Manager.
Megan Leary for her service on the Executive Council.
We look forward to the 2022 salmon season, and hope you and your relatives stay safe as the Kusko breaks up!
Commissioners gather for the 2022 annual meeting.