Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

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FWS-KRITFC Kuskokwim River Mainstem Fishing Opportunities

FWS-KRITFC Kuskokwim River Mainstem Fishing Opportunities

Photo by Wilson Twitchell.

For Immediate Release: June 19, 2024

Contact: Spencer Rearden, 907-543-3151, spencer_rearden@fws.gov

Kuskokwim River Mainstem Fishing Opportunities

Pursuant to authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Manager, as In-Season Manager, hereby announces additional fishing opportunities for Federally qualified subsistence users only:

(1) Lower Kuskokwim Fishing Opportunity: In the Kuskokwim River main stem, from the mouth of the Kuskokwim River to the Refuge boundary at the edge of Uknavik Slough and due east to the Kalskag Bluff line (see map), drift and set gillnets will be allowed effective June 22, 2024 from 07:00 am through 07:00 pm. Gillnets are restricted to 6-inch or less mesh and may not exceed 45 meshes in depth and 50 fathoms (300-feet) in aggregate (total set and drift gillnet) length below the Johnson River and 25 fathoms (150 feet) in aggregate (total set and drift gillnet) length above the Johnson River. All species of salmon may be retained during this opportunity. The salmon bearing tributaries and the Aniak Box listed in FSA-YD-24- 01 will remain closed to all gillnets. When this harvest opportunity expires, Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River, downstream of Kalskag Bluffs and to the mouth of the Kuskokwim River will return to closed to the use of gillnets by all users for the protection of Chinook, Chum and Coho Salmon.

(2) Kalskag Line: Defined as starting from an imaginary line between the south edge of Uknavik Slough (Lat. 61° 20’ 20”; Long. -160° 41’ 13”) direct to the edge of the Kalskag bluff (Lat. 61° 20’ 20”; Long. -160° 34’ 52”). The main stem Kuskokwim River upstream of this line to the lower boundary of the Aniak Box (see map and description below) is open to the use of gillnets beginning June 22, 2024 at 07:00 am until further notice. Subsistence users are allowed to use gillnets with 6-inch or less mesh that shall not exceed 45 meshes in depth; 25 fathoms (150 feet) in length. All salmon may be retained in this section of the river.

(3) Aniak Box: The waters of the Kuskokwim River near Aniak, from a line formed between two points (Lat. 61° 35’ 37”ʹ, Long. -159° 33’ 16” and Lat 61° 35’ 16”, Long -159° 33’ 28”) upstream to a line formed between two other points (Lat. 61° 34’ 58”, Long. 159° 31’ 03” and Lat. 61° 34’ 43”, Long. 159° 31’ 06”), which is approximately the upstream boundary of the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (see map). This area will remain closed to fishing with gillnets, fish wheels, beach seines, and dip nets until further notice. Fishing with rod and reel within the Aniak Box is open beginning June 22, 2024 at 07:00 am until further notice, with the following bag limits:

  • Chinook Salmon:

    • Under 20 inches (as measured from the mid eye to the tail fork) may be retained with no bag or possession limits.

    • Over 20 inches (as measured from the mid eye to the tail fork) may be retained with a 2 per day, 2 in possession limit.

  • Sockeye Salmon, Pink Salmon, and non-salmon species: i

    • May be retained with no bag or possession limits.

  • Chum and Coho Salmon:

    • May not be retained and must be returned to the water alive and unharmed.

Information about the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at www.doi.gov/subsistence or by visiting www.facebook.com/subsistencealaska.

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